Bringing your news to life. Lucid State helps history explode out of black and white for Cape Times and Lowe Bull.
We knew from the start that this was going to be a challenging project, but what’s a project without a challenge right? The concept behind this print ad was great and we wanted to turn Lowe Bull’s ideas into reality. With our creative juices flowing after the first briefing we jumped straight in. After doing plenty of research we had decided which historical, famous and infamous people, events and locations we wanted to include in the illustration and we set to work designing the landscape.
From the very beginning our primary aesthetic concern was to get the topography of the landscape to feel right. We sketched and modelled multiple variations of terrain, creating different mountains, crevasses and water areas until eventually we settled on a three tiered landscape divided by ocean and river. With this stage completed we knew that we wanted our terrain to reflect varying climates and flora. We also began adding the first of our iconic models and restructured our composition to complement them.
Once we had finalised most of the composition and placement of the events it was time to begin testing different lighting scenarios. We wanted to create the feeling of dawn lighting as Cape Times is regarded as one of the country’s most read morning papers. The final step was comping the render and adding final detailing like smoke and atmospheric effects in order to embellish the mood.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015)
We were very proud of the final result which was brimming with detail and were doubly chuffed to be announced runner up in Creative Circle’s ad of the month.